15年以内にミニ氷河期が来るかも。 The earth is going to maintain itself. The earth needs a glacial period to generate methane hydrate again. The methane hydrate in the earth has decreased too much.
地球のメタンハイドレートは減りすぎた。 As skids of a plates, the methane hydrate is important to restrain global crustal motion. The methane hydrate is very low temperature substance. The methane hydrate is also important to cool the crust.
We should never use methane hydrate for fuel resource. Methane hydrate exists so that volcanoes and magma pools may be surrounded. Please, think about the meaning of that.
The arrangement of "Earlier Heaven" has evil spirit power.
This rule is famous in the world of Bagua.
Korean people are cursed.
Why Koreans do not correct their flag?
Why only the Korean government uses the flag which calls happiness?
題:ユグドラシル=善悪を知る木=世界樹=学名:Magnolia hypoleuca Siebold et Zucc
"Magnolia hypoleuca Siebold et Zucc" is "Honoki" in Japanese name.
Honoki is an indigenous plant in Japan.
Honoki tells us "good or evil" by its phytoncide.
学名”Siebold et Zucc”は和名をホオノキと言います。
ホオノキは日本原産です。 ホオノキはフェトンチッドによって、人々に善悪を教えます。
Phytoncides are antimicrobial allelochemic volatile organic compounds derived from plants (when plants are scratched), which prevent them from rotting or being eaten by some insects and animals. Forest bathing —basically just being in the presence of trees— is a health therapy of breathing in phytoncides while visiting a forest. Forest bathing has a relaxing effect and is scientifically proven to improve health.( sauce1sauce2 )
to lower heart rate and blood pressure,
to reduce stress hormone production,
to boost the immune system,
to improve overall feelings of wellbeing.
to affect autonomic nerves
Honoki shows strong allelopathy( prevent it from rotting or being eaten by some insects and animals. ).
Almost no bottom weeds grow under the tree.
The secretory substance of Honoki restrains germination and growth of plant.
Fallen leaves of Honoki are accumulated under it. Any fallen leaves isn't eaten by bugs. The leaves of Honoki are large, 16–38 cm (rarely to 50 cm) long and 9–20 cm (rarely 25 cm) broad, so the lodgment stands out in a forest. And the tree is tall(15–30 m). Honoki has been used from ancient times as a guidepost in the forest. ホオノキの下はホオノキの落葉が堆積している。全ての落葉は虫に食べられていない。 ホオノキの葉は大きい(長さ16-38稀に50cm、幅9-20cm稀に15-30cm)ので、森の中でその堆積物は目立つ。 そしてその木は背が高い(15-30m)。 ホオノキは森の中で道標として昔から利用されてきた。
There are the other tree confusingly similar to hoo-no-ki in appearance.
We have to be careful.
"Magnolia hypoleuca Siebold et Zucc"は和名でホオノキと言います。
A sorcery of "counter-clockwise" gives good energy which makes one's luck rise.
A sorcery of "counter-clockwise" is True-Vine (=God-Bless.)
A sorcery of "clockwise" deprives a man of luck.
A sorcery of "clockwise" is Satan(=Evil).
True-Vine makes a man
overcome innumerable difficulties.
Satan brings a man
bad fate.
True-Vine heals a man
Satan makes man's state reduce.
True-Vine makes a man bcome younger.
Satan makes a man bcome older.
True-Vine gives a man concentration.
Satan makes a man spread his focus
True-Vine gives a man inspirations of invention or discovery.
Satan makes a man repeat same mistake.
True-Vine helps development or improvement.
Satan spoils things.
Most of one's act are controlled by one's flash.
A flash will decide whether a person will be a good man or be a bad person.
Good flash makes a man select a good deed.
Evil flash makes a man select an evil deed.
If a sorcery can control person's flash, a person can reduce his failure and his crime.
Despite your best intentions, have you ever done bad deed?
For example, despite your best intentions, have you ever given spoiled food to someone who you love?
Due to a lack of knowledge.
Evil deeds include accidents due to negligence.
Sometimes a mad scientist does harm to Mankind.
But he might be benevolent.
When we'd like to avoid an evil deed, there is a limit to depending on rationality or on knowledge.
A sorcery follows this problem up.
After a sorcery decides about the result, which becomes happy, suggests choice to a man.
This world (= Fate) comes from Inga.
A sorcery is just the way to get good future before things happen. まじないは、先に結果(幸せになる結果)を決定してから、人に選択を促します。 この世は因果で成り立っています。 まじないとは、事が起きる前に良い未来を手に入れる方法です。
True-Vine is one of basic sorceries.
True-Vine is counter-clockwise.
True-Vine makes one's luck rise.
True-Vine makes a man happy. True-Vineは基本的なまじないです。 True-Vineは反時計回りのまじないです。 True-Vineは人の運をあげます。 True-Vineは人を幸せにします。
We use the word of "True-Vine" as this sorcery to understand this concept.
"vine" means "a running weed".
Most of running weeds grow in the direction of counter-clockwise.
But a handful of weeds revolve clockwise.
So "vine" needs "true" to confine the direction of rotation. しかし、少数の時計回りの植物も存在する。 故に「vine」回転方向を注意する為、「True」が必要。
When a direction of movement is uphill, counterclockwise rotation is True-Vine.
(=The direction where most plants grow)
When a direction of movement is uphill, clockwise rotation is Satan.
Clockwise makes a man unhappy. 進行方向を上にとする場合、反時計回りの回転がTrue-Vine。(=殆どの植物が成長する方向) 進行方向を上にとする場合、時計回りの回転はTrue-Vineではない。 時計回りは人を不幸にする。
The counter-clockwise design has effects to give a man luck. 反時計回りのデザインは幸運を人に与える効果がある。 Paradigms of True-Vine(True-Vineの実用例)
Intrinsically a human brain has the mechanism to cause a creature reaction in a body by seeing the specific color or shape.
For example when a person sees red, his pulse and blood pressure rise.
Like that, when a person sees counter-clockwise shape, he has the mechanism that his spiritual power rises as a creature reaction.
When spiritual power rises, a person increases his power which changes destiny as he wishes. 人間の脳は、特定の色や形を見ることにより、身体に生物反応を起こす仕組みを持っている。 例えば、人が赤色を見ると、脈拍と血圧が上がる。 それと同様に、人は反時計回りを見ると、霊力が上がる仕組みを生物反応として持っている。 人は霊力が上がると、運命を自分が望むように変える力が増す。
Saving luck resembles health regime.
Repeating exposure to good sorceries bit by bit gives luck to a man.
Then when we choose stairs, we should choose True-Vine stairs.
This is a double helix stairs.
Why this stairs is a double helix is to keep the direction of True-Vine.
When going up the stairs and going down the stairs, a man can keep the concept of True-Vine.
I thought about the way to visually recognize my theory.
An electron microscope does not need.
We should observe circular motion in the circular motion using a model.
A small ball is put in it including a clear globular capsule in another clear globular capsule.
We will prepare some of such the nested capsules.
We put them in a laundry machine and revolve it and observe them.
Do really all balls revolve in the same direction?
Because each direction of rotation of the particle of water (or air)is dispersive, water(or air) is effective as an insulator material.
When the temperature of water rises, the rotation of particle quickens and the directions of rotation become uniform and the effect of an insulator material reduces.
In other words, this is the process of a change of heat conductivity.
Da Vinci knew the importance of this information.
He always carried this picture on him so as not to be altered dishonestly. ダヴィンチはこの情報の重要性を判っていました。 彼はこの絵を改ざんされないように持ち歩きました。
Da Vinci planned The double-helix staircase as True-Vine for King Francis I of France. He was a friend of Da Vinci.
There is the stairs in Château de Chambord.
This is a double helix stairs. Why this stairs is a double helix is to keep the direction of True-Vine. When going up the stairs and going down the stairs, a man can keep the concept of True-Vine.
But that was altered by the evil power who tries to hide True-Vine dishonestly.
the counter-clockwise stairs was changed the clockwise stairs.
The stairs were changed to the sorcery which calls unhappiness.
The boiled water freezes earlier than ordinary water.
why? 白湯の方がただの水より早く凍る。 何故か?
A substance raises the temperature by making the circular motion of its elementary particle quick.
Generally, any body of rotation on the other body of rotation, receiving Coriolis force, go around to the same direction.
When every particle(the elementary particle or molecule)of water is accelerated,
(When the temperature of water rises,)
the particle remarkably shows the influence of the Coriolis force received from Earth's rotation.Every particle turns to the same direction by the Coriolis force received from Earth's rotation and revolves. 水を構成する粒子(素粒子も分子も)は加速すると、(水の温度を上げると、)粒子は、地球の自転から受けていたコリオリの力の影響を、顕著に示するようになる。 全ての粒子が地球の自転によるコリオリ力に導かれた同じ向きに向いて回転をする。
Therefore, When comparing between boiled water and ordinary water,
The directions of rotation of the particles of boiled water are more even.
Then, the boiled water freezes earlier than ordinary water. ゆえに、白湯の方がただの水より早く凍る。
In the case of the boiled water which has took much time, its each direction of rotation of each particle returns to be rough.
The water becomes slow in the speed which freezes.
熱しても時間の経った水は、また、それぞれの回転があまり揃わない水に戻る。 ゆえに、凍るのが遅くなる。
This page shows the principle of Mpemba effect. このページはムペンバ効果の原理を示す。
The symbol of Google is a paradigm of True-Vine.
This symbol gives happy to people and Google.
This symbol brings prosperity to Google. グーグルのシンボルは、True-Vineの実用例。 このシンボルは、人々とグーグルを幸せにする。 このシンボルはグーグルに繁栄を運ぶ。
This symbol brings prosperity to WHO. このシンボルはWHOに繁栄を運ぶ。
This symbol brings prosperity to Internet Expolar (=Microsoft)
Mr. Bill Gates is interested in a sorcery, such as feng shui. このシンボルは、インターネット・エクスプローラー(マイクロソフト)に繁栄を運ぶ。 ビル・ゲイツ氏は、風水など、まじないに興味を持っている。
This symbol brings prosperity to pepsi. このシンボルは、ペプシに繁栄を運ぶ。
This symbol brings prosperity to NIKE. このシンボルは、ナイキに繁栄を運ぶ。
Vine(running weed) is a sorcery. Vine gives God Bless to us. バイン(蔓)はまじない。バインは私たちに祝福をくれる。
True-Vine(John 15:1-6) is counter-clockwise.
In other words, Vine gives person's luck. バイン(ヨハネの福音書15:1-6)は反時計回り つまり、バインは人の運を上げる。
The counter-clockwise motion or design also gives God Bless to us. 反時計回りのデザインもまた祝福をくれる。
Jesus did not say "I will fight against evil men."
There is the way to get God Bless.
Those who does not know it can not get God Bless.
Jesus came to us to tell how to get God Bless (=to use sorceries.)
People have to become happy on their-selves.
However, Paul tortured Jesus and killed Jesus and changed Jesus's words and hid the information of real sorceries from us.
Paul was the founder of Christianity.
Paul and his fellows enjoyed a virtual monopoly on the information of sorceries.
They have spread both of erroneous and true information all over the world.
Then we do not know the importance of sorcery.
Then we are unreasonably unhappy now!
Christians and Jesus and us are the victims by Paul.
Bible was edited by Paul.
Then Bible says "Do not use sorcery."
Then Bible includes complicate or insane words.
These are traces of falsifications.
In history of Christianity, Paul has been mainstream.
Because Paul knew true information and used real sorcery to attain popularity.
And Paul and his fellows eagerly erased the real sorcery information of others.
So this is the reason of oppression against heretics
Paul and his fellows had a monopoly on sorcery information thoroughly.
15:1 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 15:2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 15:3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 15:6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.
”the true vine” is counter-clockwise.
”the true vine” brings happy to a man.
Most of running weeds revolve counter-clockwise.
But a handful of weeds revolve clokwise.
So Jesus would add "true" to "vine" to confine the direction of rotation. 本物のバインは、反時計回り。True-Vineは人に幸せを運ぶ。 殆どの植物の蔓は、反時計回り。しかし、少数の時計回りの植物も存在する。 イエスは回転方向を限定する為に、「True」を付加したと思われる。
When you cannot see this video, please click here. ( http://youtu.be/dTljaIVseTc )
When a direction of movement is uphill, counterclockwise rotation is True-Vine.
When a direction of movement is uphill, clockwise rotation is Satan.
" My Father is the vinedresser." does not mean "the Creator is a farmer."
" My Father is the vinedresser." means "the Creator is a maker of True-Vine energy and sends the energy to us."
The energy rises up our luck and makes us happy.
John 15:5 says that we never be happy without "the true vine".
When the breadth of a nebula is large, (like the Milky Way galaxy) the possibility that a planet exists where a human being could live is high.
When looking for a space alien, we should narrow down the options to observable nebula.
4:19 And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the Lord your God has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage.
Deuteronomy 4:19 is often quoted for the interpretation to which preacher says "Do not make an idol."
I think ,it has another deep interpretation.
This verse says " heavenly bodies were prepared for human."
In other words, the birth of mankind was not a compilation of coincidences as a result of trial and error.
The mankind were born in the prepared environment according to schedule.
Like a man who comes into existence in the womb. つまり、人類は試行錯誤の結果として、偶然の集大成で誕生したのではない。 人類は準備された環境にスケジュール通り誕生した。 子宮に人が発生するように。
For human to occur, Not every flesh part is compatible.
It needs specific conditions as in the womb.
The same is true for the birth of Mankind.
For Mankind to occur, Not every nebula is compatible.
It needs to have a stellar as large as the Sun.
A nebula with a stellar with the same size as the Sun comes to be inevitably thick, and have planets like the Solar System.
人類の発生は、銀河ならなんでもいいわけではない。 それは、太陽と同じ大きさの恒星を持つことを必要とする。 太陽と同じ大きさの恒星を持つ銀河は、必然的に分厚くなり、太陽系のような惑星を持つようになる。 Return to Index
Wise Stone(=The Philosopher's Stone) is sapphire.
Ruby is a red sapphire. It is an aluminium oxide (Al2O3)
Aluminium is important for a sorcery. 賢者の石はサファイア。ルビーは赤いサファイア。組成は酸化アルミニウム。 アルミニウムはまじないとして重要。
Wise Stone makes a person a wise man.
Wise Stone gives ideas that makes a man remain young.
Remaining young is avoiding one's death.
Wise Stone is called "hihi-iro-kane" in Japan.
it means " a red color metal".
Sapphire's etymology is "the fire".
The sound of "the fire" only had changed. 日本語で賢者の石は非緋色金(ひひいろかね)と呼ばれる。 言葉の意味は、「赤い金属」。 サファイアの語源は、”the fire”。音が変化しただけ。
Aluminium is important for a sorcery.
Then Napoléon 3rd had collected Aluminium products. アルミニウムはまじないとして重要だった為、 ナポレオン3世はアルミ製品をコレクトしていた。 ナポレオン3世とアルミニウム品
When you possess sapphire as a tool of a sorcery, a stone doesn't have to be natural .
Constitution of sapphire is valuable, so synthetic sapphire is enough.
But you shouldn't be tricked and buy glass.
We may get a big true sapphire for thousands of yen by Tokyu hands in Japan.
あなたがサファイアをまじないの道具として所有する時、石は天然である必要はない。 サファイアの組成に価値があるので、合成サファイアで十分である。 しかし、あなたは騙されてガラスを買うべきではない。 日本の東急ハンズでは数千円で大きなサファイアが手に入る。
There are productions of a cheap synthetic sapphire in Japan.
There is bulletproof glass made of synthetic sapphire. 日本では、安価な合成サファイアの製品がある。 日本では、合成サファイアで防弾ガラスを作っている。 アイフォンのスクリーンにサファイアが使われる計画もあった。